Vote AGAINST Amendment A this November 5th!

On November 5, 2024, Utah voters will vote on Constitutional Amendment A, which, if passed, would dramatically harm how Utah funds public education and open the door to more funding for private religious school vouchers.

Utahns for Student Success (USS) is a growing coalition of teachers, parents, Republicans, Democrats, and nonprofit organizations that have come together to defeat this pro-voucher, power-grabbing Amendment.

What is this Amendment about?

  • Utahns should vote AGAINST Amendment A because it is a power grab by state politicians.

  • A vote AGAINST Amendment A will stop politicians from taking funding from public schools to funnel to private religious school vouchers and their own pet projects.

  • There’s a good reason teachers, parents, Republicans, and Democrats stand strongly opposed to Amendment A.

  • Please join us in voting AGAINST Amendment A so we can stop the power grab and protect public school funding.